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Day: July 2, 2024

By Dr. Carrie Fryzel, Psy.D.

Should I seek an ADHD evaluation for my child? 5 questions to help

One million more U.S. children had received an ADHD diagnosis in 2022 compared with 2016, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  About 1 in 9 children between the ages of 3 and 17 have received the diagnosis, prompting the report to label ADHD as “an ongoing and expanding […]

Let’s get serious about play

We typically keep things pretty light and breezy here. But give us a moment on our soapbox to discuss something near and dear to our hearts: play. June 11 marked the first-ever International Day of Play, an annual event established by the United Nations. We celebrated all of June with daily #monthofplay ideas on Instagram […]

A treasure trove of #monthofplay ideas

We spent the month of June sharing play ideas on social media in celebration of the International Day of Play, but we wanted to gather some of those ideas in one place as a tool for families. Each family is different; scan through these and see which activities might work for yours. These ideas typically […]